Copyright and related restrictions.
Users may use all services offered by our e-shop for personal needs, for non-profit purposes and provided that the copyrights of FIRMA, owned by FIRMA or third parties directly or indirectly related to the materials on the Site are not infringed. The materials published on this Site are expressly prohibited:
To be copied for any purpose;
Publicly distributed for any purpose;
Distributed for any purpose;
FIRMA reserves the right to assign the rights to publish materials and other information published on the Site to third parties in addition to a written contract governing the legal relationship between FIRMA and the person publishing the information.
When purchasing a product subject to copyright and / or patent rights, FIRMA does not grant any additional rights for use and distribution, except for the explicitly mentioned rights and / or licenses from the trader offering the product.
All goods and services provided by FIRMA, which are used with protection under the Copyright and Related Rights Protection Act, are provided to Users in their original form, packaging and media, without any influence on the part of FIRMA and in accordance with licenses and distribution rights granted by their producers and / or distributors to the Republic of Bulgaria.
Links to the Site to other sites owned by third parties are published for the convenience of users. When using such a link, users do not use a service provided by the COMPANY and with respect to the use of the link outside the Site, these General Terms and Conditions do not apply.
COMPANY is not responsible for the information and / or content of other sites owned by third parties, and does not impose or recommend the use of these sites or the information published on them. The potential risks associated with the use of such sites are borne by Users.